Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cm oh cM in 4D4N capoeira event...

okay,,here's the story..
rabu nnti da start da event capoeira workshop 4d4n with cm eurico..
mmg event ni la yg semua budak capoe been waiting..
yela...contra-mestre pulak kan?
finally!!!...ade jugak jumpe cordao de ouro members from outside,,
but..2 la kan..?
not selalu dpat opportunity,,we, as ,iium capoeiristas,,,
must be well physical n mentally prepared,, lah,,all the past training,,
msti kene put back all energy ,,,bnyak workout bg betul2 fit(xde la lepas nii semput,,sbb da x ***** )
well....this is cm eurico..kalau na tau la video roda ngan die dngan instructor joana

well...the important part is,,,cm eurico akn ajar camne buat roda yg betul2...yg bole improve performance kitaorng time buat show,,,
sebab, the grand finale activity for this workshop is
buat street roda dekat bukit bintang !,, :XD
and also,these were some pictures of previously street roda at bukit bintang

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